Have you ever had the kind of day where you want to start scribbling in a journal right when you wake up and can't shake that flustered feeling? Have you had one of those days where anything and everything annoys you? And then you get to school for an 8 hour day with kids who have been taking standardized tests all week and don't want to listen/do any work for you whatsoever? Well. Today was THAT day for me. As you know, I have five bells of 11th grade english, straight through until lunch, then plan bell, then after school plan until 2:30. By the time lunch came around, I had a splitting headache and NO patience left. I gave FOUR Wednesday night schools today, totally skipping over detentions and warnings. I rarely give these... I mean rarely.
Apparently, Holly was feeling the same way because when I was walking towards the door to pick up a veggie sandwich from Subway, she told me to stay and that she would take me out to lunch. At first I though I was in trouble, but it turned out she needed a break, too. It was nice to get out of the building for thirty minutes!
Also, I finally finished
Shopaholic and Baby today and began reading
Mini Shopaholic! I am so excited and I have read 5% of the book on my Kindle already and it's so good! I am drinking it up. Sometimes, I get so discouraged about reading, but lately it has been such an escape for me. I snapped this picture quickly with my phone, today, during plan bell. (
Yes, that IS
the too-expensive Vera bag I said I wouldn't buy
here, but I couldn't help myself! And I have promised myself [and Nick, for accountability purposes] that I won't have anymore splurges until I have to shop for Christmas presents!
Another awesome realization of the day? I have only SEVEN weeks of student teaching left! Yesterday, I applied for my teaching license, and I am SO excited. I have been working so hard for this for four and a half years and it's finally paying off!! Plus? Holly told me last week that I won't be teaching for the last two weeks of my placement because I have to spend that time catching students up on the work I assigned before I leave. I KNOW I shouldn't be excited about not teaching, but, really? This is exhausting, and I am doing it for free. I can't wait for the break. This will also allow me to observe some other awesome teachers in the building!
Today, amidst all of the chaos in
every single one of my bells today, I got a phone calle from the manager of some gift shops in hospitals in Clifton for an interview! They are looking for someone who only needs a few hours, and I know they aren't open late. Since I have been hurting for cash lately, I have been applying to places left and right and I am SO relieved that it is paying off. I don't know what I'll do about FamVid, yet. Probably keep them for a while! Then, after school, I called PetsMart where they are looking for a bather in the grooming dept. I have been wanting to work at PetsMart for a while now because working with animals has been my backup plan for a while since the little worry that teaching might not work out entered my mind. They gave me an interview! So, tomorrow, after school I have two interviews right in a row! Wish me luck :)
Also, even though I want to look like that girl while drinking a nice, ice cold Coke, I have set this little goal for myself - no soda for a whole month. This is a short term goal I have set in the hopes of kicking the habit altogether, eventually. I know that my kidneys (oh, boy, have I been having a sore lower back lately) and my skin will thank me so much. Granted I only drink diet soda (regular usually makes me feel sick from all the sugar!) and usually only when I am out to eat, I still want to try to completely cut it out of my diet. So far, I have made it to day 4!
Basically, this is the longest nonsense post, ever, and I apologize. Hello; ramble much? Sorry, folks.
xoxo S
P.s. I have already started my Christmas list. :)