Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Wednesday Wonders v.18 Harry Potter Edition

So. I started listening to the books on tape. Because I've never done that before, and well, why not? Anyways, if you guys are tired of reading about my Harry Potter obsession, you might want to skip this post. I have been seeing SO MANY awesome HP themed things on Pinterest, and I wanted to share my favorites.

3. Love Albus

4. In general, I think fingernails are gross looking. Especially up close.
But these are pretty neat. 


6. I NEED. Seriously? Seriously. Seriously???

7. This is inspiration for my next big tattoo. 

Happy Wednesday! 


  1. Perfect in every way...

  2. AWESOME! A whomping willow tat!????? That would be fribbin fantastic! Ok. And as for the tapes... I hope you are listening to Stephen Fry's version because there is another person who reads them and he does HORRIBLE... he says Harry like HarrYYYYYYYY and Herminone like Hermioneeeeeeeee and it's actually quite annoying ha ha ha. :)

  3. Note: He always pronounces Voldemort with a silent T.

    Just so you know. He's the one the also pronounces it HarrYYYYYYYY. It is pretty annoying. Haha!

  4. AWESOME! I love me some HP and you found some of the most AMAZING Harry Potter treasures I've ever seen! Today I was reading the HP cook book, which I must say is super cute and super clever! =)

    <3 MuffinLovesBiscuit

  5. This was a really fun one to do, because I have SO many repins of HP stuff. It was awesome to get to pick and choose :) I NEED the HP cookbook! That sounds awesome :)

    Also, Meghan and Amy... of COURSE that's the version I have :( WAH!


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