Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Wednesday Wonders v.13

This chapstick is awesome, and if you know me, you know I LOVE chapstick.

Kind of loving old photos, lately. Check out Susannah Bean's new feature!

I have a shirt that says this, and got an applause for wearing it on the subway in NYC, once.

This actually doesn't describe me at all, because I rarely drink (maybe once or twice a year), 
but super bowl Sunday, I had my first Four Loko... as in ONE of them, and nothing else (except water). 
Got sick, passed out. The end. Horrible. 

Links to love....

1. Vegetarian? Try this awesome, yummy risotto recipe
2. Just a pretty picture of a pretty feather.
3. Want to make these string chandeliers

Happy Wednesday, everyone! I am off to read The Duchess of Malfi for my British Lit class...


  1. OMG this is a really random thing to say, but I LOVE the Duchess of Malfi. No one else I know has read it or heard of it, but it's REALLY least if you're into plays, drama, intrigue, mystery, plotting, and such. Let me know what you think!

  2. um... those are almost exactly like the chandelier piece I want to make for our bedroom [that looks... omg 1million times better with new paint... come see soon, k?].
    can we make these together??? please?
    also, i miss you lots.

  3. I would love to make these :) Especially in the fall... I am FINALLY going to be able to decorate! Can't wait :)

  4. Hahaha, the last picture I find particularly hilarious because, when sober, I happen to say awesome quite often, but, when drunk, it's pretty much every second word out of my mouth

  5. HAHA! People are (sometimes) hilarious when intoxicated.

  6. i have/use that chapstick and i LOVE it!

  7. Jealous! Where did you get it???

  8. Hi there- I used your blank black "keep calm" template and created my own. I linked to your post. If you want to see it, it's at


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