Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Bloggin' Ladies: My Girl Thursday

Name+Age+Site/Blog  Thursday / 27 / My Girl Thursday http://www.mygirlthursday.com

What is something interesting about you?
Interesting, you say?  Well, I think I might be the messiest organized person I know.  My house (mostly my craft room) is in constant disarray, but somehow I manage to move about my day in a rather orderly manner.  I am a list freak.  Every single thing I need to do is on my daily to-do (seriously, you can find brush your teeth right near the top).  I have a calendar in my craft room that maps out my blog posts for the next three months.  But you would never know this level of organization comes from a girl that has to wade through piles of laundry, cracker wrappers and sippy cups just to get to her bed.   

Why did you begin blogging? 
I started blogging a l-o-n-g time ago.  I've been through a few addresses.  My first one started back in 2006.  I was really active in the Craftster community and I wanted to have a dedicated area to show off my work.  For years I was the poster child for sporadic bloggers and it showed - absolutely no one read my stuff.  It wasn't until I took an online Indie Business course that I began taking my blog seriously.  I moved from Wordpress to Blogger, bought my domain and started posting on a near daily basis.  That was at the beginning of March 2010 and I can't believe how far I've come.  After just ten months of blogging I've developed a stronger sense of myself and made connections with so many stunningly creative people.  I'm definitely in this blog thing for the long haul.

Who is your inspiration for writing? 
After being in blog writing mode for so long I have to say that I find inspiration most everywhere.  I have to keep a notebook in my purse so that I can write down ideas at a moments notice.  I find that I'm struck with a lot of ideas when I'm thrifting, going for a walk and even in the shower (I've considered stocking up on bath crayons so I can write on the walls).  Another huge source of motivation is the handmade blogging community.  Check out the good reads section of my blog - I am so in love with each of these sites and the women behind them.

I think everyone is capable of endless inspiration, they simply need to listen for it.  Since I have started writing down my ideas I have never ever run out of blogging ideas. 

Do you have any advice that you want to share with fellow lady bloggers?
Someone asked me this on Formspring the other day and I think it's deserving of it's own blog post.  While I'm brainstorming on that post I keep coming back to the same thought - be yourself.  There is a difference between being inspired by someone else and trying to be someone else.  
The blog world is full of copycats and the simple truth is that they are forgettable.  Use your own voice, speak from your own perspective and and blog what you want.

What is one thing you are looking forward to most in your future (blog or otherwise)?
One of my goals is to become a freelance writer.  I'd love to write for some of my favourite magazines and blogs.  Of course, this would all be in addition to writing my own blog - I couldn't give that up!


  1. Neat feature! I'm so happy to find another craftster out there :)
    I'm having a giveaway on my blog- come check it out!

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    She is super amazing. Who doesn't love chantilly?? :)

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this lovely feature! <3


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