Sunday, November 07, 2010

As promised...* + Sunday Letters!

As promised, here is my little guy wearing his cone. He only wears it when we aren't with him, and I had to go to Kroger earlier to buy some ingredients to make pumpkin cranberry scones! 

He is so cute. This is what his ears looked like when he was a baby baby. <3

Here's the scones I made earlier! For my first try, they turned out really well and I am super happy with them! I also made some cinnamon butter to spread on them and before I baked them, I sprinkled sugar and cinnamon on the stop. Yum! 

Sunday Letters...*

Dear ex-boyfriends,

Thank you for showing me what a boyfriend shouldn't be. Thank you for teaching me how to remember who I am in a relationship. Thank you for teaching me confidence and resilience. Most of all, thank you for teaching me what love isn't so that when I found it, I knew the difference.



  1. What a cute Sunday letter!! I love it.

    Also, I WANT A SCONE!! Tuesday!?

  2. I'm so happy and relieved for you that Guillermo is doing well! =]

    And goodness, those scones look delicious.

  3. Thank you! I wish I could share them.. :)

  4. holy crap! those scones look delicious!! i must make some!!

  5. aww thank you! i got the recipe here....

    the recipe is a little hard to follow, but VERY worth it. <3

  6. Awww poor little pup!!!
    Your letter is SO true!!!!
    P.S. If you have any leftovers of those scones would you like to send them my way?? ;)
    Have a beautiful day,

  7. Haha thanks! I wish I could share with everyone, but I will tell you that this was my first time making them, they turned out great, and it was pretty easy! the recipe i used is in the comment above yours :)


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