Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Wednesday Wonders v.2

This is the second time I have done this post, so let me know what you guys think! I also want to say: Thank you SO MUCH to all of my new followers and readers. I hope you stick around and leave a comment! I always reply, so don't feel weird!! <3

ALSO! There was a HUGE positive response about yesterday's Bloggin' Ladies post. THANK YOU Mandy! Your participations means so much, and you are fantastic. I will definitely continue this feature every week!

That being said.... here are this Wednesday's Wonders!

1. LOVE this little desktop. Nick sent this to me through an email 
one day, and that day was instantly made better. Duh?

2. This magnet that Nick and I got from Nick's grandma. I love the
colors, the vintage, and I love birds.

4. This collector's set of Harry Potter books. I have all of the books
already, but I have been longing for this particular set

5. This set of goulashes. RED goulashes. I love red (which you
all know) and if these were in my life, I would be the happiest
girl alive.

6. This silly, amazing picture of The Dude from 
The Big Lebowski. Need I say more?

7. Sea lions? OF COURSE I love them. These are SOCUTE.
Another boyfriend email, of course.

8. This is my FAVORITE screen saver on my Kindle 2. 
Confession: Sometimes when this comes on, I won't read for days
so that I can keep seeing it. Weird, I know.

9. I can't remember what I was searching for, but this was a result 
on weheartit. I love the colors, the design, the art. Yum.

10. This sketch of a vintage record player/house/thing! It's so pretty! 

Don't forget to check me out on Facebook and Bloglovin'! Thank you everyone for stopping by, and don't forget to follow! <3

**images from weheartit


  1. OOhhh I really want to read all the Harry Potter books now...again. I have them all as well but this collection is so beautiful.

    I think it would be perfect to start reading them now and read them through the Holiday season! I think I will do that!

    -Morgan (Blackbird Fly)
    Blackbird Fly

  2. Very cute red goulashes!

  3. Morgan - Agreed! I want to read them all again, too!

    Mandy - I KNOW. I really want them!

  4. LOVE the last pic! So cool!

  5. Thanks, I thought so too! I didn't realize until AFTER I posted this entry that it wasn't completely an old fashioned record player!

  6. i have that set of harry potters. i love them so so much!

  7. I LOVE the vhs tape Dude!! Lwbowski is one of my all time favs!

  8. I have red galoshes, too! And that Harry Potter series looks beeyooooteeful.

  9. Lois Mae - I am jealous. That is all. xo

    Crystal - Mine too; some nights Nick and I talk ONLY in TBL quotes :)

    Suburban Sweetheart - I am jealous of your red goulashes!! Let's lust after the HP set together. MMM.

  10. Now I want to start rereading the Harry Potter nooks!


Thank you, as always, for stopping by! I appreciate you guys SOMUCH. I read and reply to EVERY comment, so leave as many as you like :) xoxo