Thursday, November 22, 2012

30 Reasons to be Thankful, v.2

7. My job. I am so thankful to be able to do what I love each day. I know that I have a reputation, especially on this blog, and definitely in life, for wanting to hope from job to job as quickly as possible. This usually pertains to retail and part time jobs, but I am also sure that many of you remember a time when I considered abandoning my teaching profession for schooling to become a veterinary technician. Don't get me wrong, this is still one of my dreams and goal (for another day), but for now, I am so deliriously thankful that I am able to teach what I love, and to really connect with my students. I am SO thankful to be in an environment where I am comfortable, and where many people wouldn't be. Teaching in an inner city school is challenging to say the least, and there are really crappy days, but for the most part, I love love love love my job and my kids. Teaching is definitely my calling.

8. Books. This probably should say "an escape" because that is an accurate definition of what books and reading are for me. Reading isn't enjoyable for many people, for a lot of people it just seems like work. My boyfriend is one of those people. He has other escapes that he enjoys, but I am so thankful that I fell in love with books so many years ago. Sometimes, and I hate these times, I have to take a break from reading. But I never let it last long. When it's a focus in my life I feel happier and more thoughtful.

9. My baby sister. I probably have the most awesome 6 year old (almost) sister that ever existed. Whoever thought they would have a small person idolize them? It never crossed my mind. What a privilege to be her sister and her god mother. She is a constant reminder (sometimes we all need one) to  be the best that I can, the happiest, the most responsible and moral, and honest person that I can be. What a responsibility. I have to give her high standards to live up to, though. ;)

Photo by Brandon Frimming

10. My grandparents. I miss them so much. I have been thinking about them constantly lately. This season will be good for that for the rest of my life. They both taught me so much, and they were so.... them. It is hard for me to imagine living without them here with me for the rest of forever, but there are so many things I wouldn't have without them. For example, my love of animals? Totally my grandma. Harry Potter, matryoshka dolls, and A Christmas Story? ALL my grandpa. They were clever, smart, and loving people, and I will always cherish the time that I had with them, but might wish they were still here with me.

11. Apple. This is probably the most light hearted part of this post. Bret bought me an iPad mini for our anniversary (not until January 2) and I am absolutely obsessed. I can officially say that I am an Applehead. All of my electronics are now Apple and I have to admit.... I am becoming kind of a snob about it. ;) Anyways, I am mostly thankful that I have a job that lets me afford this guilty pleasure of mine.

12. My friends. Kyle, Lauren, Christa, Nicole, Stephanie, Melanie, Kim, and everyone else. I love you all so much! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


  1. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving lady!

  2. Aww, I am glad to be a part of this post! And also, I love all the other things on this whole list, 1-12! Love you! <3


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