Thursday, March 17, 2011


St. Patrick's day, friends!

Today was my first day off since last Monday, so I have spent it catching up on homework, exams, CLEANING, and visiting my grandma at her new home! I brought her a picture of Nick, Guillermo, and me as well as some muffins (of the bran variety; we used to make them together when I was little!):

In other news...*
The boyf and I each got a new tattoo over the past weekend. Mine is an ampersand at the very top of my spine, right below my neck. Nick's is a rabbit for his Chinese zodiac! (sorry of the picture quality of Nick's, I don't have a better one, yet! Also, I am home alone, so I had to take the ones of mine myself... weird angle, I know.)

I also wanted to get my nose re-pierced, but since PetsMart won't be very happy about that, I decided not to spend the money just to maybe have to take it out in a week. 

OH! OH! OH! Also! I have officially lost 18 pounds, total. I want to try for 14 more. But as of last week, the weight on my driver's license was no longer a fabrication, and as of yesterday, it is, again! But in a good way :)

That's all for now! Have a great night! <3


  1. Your tattoo looks cute!! And send me over some of those muffins -- yum!!

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! That is so awesome. :]

    And getting tattoos together is the best.

  3. Thanks, guys! :) So excited :)

  4. Loving the tat! Also, we have the same dishtowels.

  5. Just discovered your blog via a post on The-Loudmouth!

    Really love the tats, BTW. I have a special obsession with ampersands!

  6. Thanks, Kristin! Happy to have you :) :)


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