Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bloggin' Ladies: Misadventures of Travelgirl

Bloggin' Ladies time! This week I want to introduce you all to a new blog friend I made named Jackie. She is super cute and SO nice. I would love for you all to get to know her and take some time to check out her page! Also look for her on Thursday in my giveaway (I didn't forget! Get excited!) <3

Name: Jackie
Age: 22

What is something interesting about you? 
I want to visit every single country in the world before I die. I want to be David Sedaris. I'm currently trying to memorize the exact geography of the world via quizzes on Sporcle (obviously, I am currently unemployed).

Why did you begin blogging?
I want to write something down everyday. According to David Sedaris, the only sure-fire way to become a better writer is to make yourself write every single day. 

How long have you been Blogging?
Almost a year.

Who is your inspiration for writing?
Well, obviously I have a thing for David Sedaris. I also love Nora Ephron, Ernest Hemingway, various travel writers and bloggers, and anyone with a good sense of humor.

Where do you get your ideas?
From travels past and present, genuine adventures, and things that I think are amusing, or that I think might put a smile on someone else's face.

Do you have any advice that you want to share with other lady bloggers?
I don't feel like I've been doing this long enough to be able to give advice, so I'll share some of my favorite advice that I've received: keep writing, keep posting, even if you don't think anybody is reading. Someday, if you keep trying, someone will be reading.

What is one thing you are looking forward to most in your future (blog or otherwise?)
My upcoming move to Chicago from Los Angeles! It will be my first road trip ever, which is awesome in itself, and then when I get to Chicago I'll finally be able to get a job and start my post-grad life (and I'll be able to start planning my next escape from the continent!)

See? I told you she was cute. Go love her, please! <3 Stephanie

Happy Tuesday! 


  1. I already love her too! One regret from my youth is not traveling more.

  2. aw stephanie! you are lovely. thanks for making me look cool :)

  3. Margie - I am glad you do!

    Jackie - Thanks for doing this!! <3

  4. ah! your pictures are divine! keep blogging:)


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