Saturday, November 20, 2010

[my week in words + photos]

1. Snuggling with Guillermo while Nick was at work. 2. The amazing package I got in the mail from Russty, a fellow blogger! 3. Harry Potter obsession, Chamber of Secrets. 4. Starting Goblet of Fire! Favorite part so far: portkeys! 5. Parent teacher conferences on Thursday. FOUR showed up, so HP obsession ensued. 6. Peppermint Mocha Latte (and the awesome parking spot I got, right in front of SBUX). 7. Lesson planning like MAD. 8. Preparing to send off the package to my CH,WH partner! 9.Guillermo wearing his new sweater, handmade by Russty :) 10. Downloading AWESOME HP desktops for Wednesday Wonders!

SHEW. Just so you know? This post is long. And wordy. You have been warned. 

It has been a looooong week. And by long? I mean LONG. I can't qualify this statement by saying anything other than.... I am eagerly awaiting Thanksgiving. Not mostly for the time spent with family. Not mostly for the yummy food I will get to consume (mostly carefree-ly). But for the glorious spectacular miserable five days away from West High. The kids really, really, really tried my patience this week.

Monday my supervisor from UC is coming to observe me, and after warning the bell he'll be sitting in on, they told me, in so many words, that they were going to make me look like a complete idiot. I kid you not. These stories I tell you are real. In order to combat this threat, and being that this bell (5th) is my worst as far as behavior, Holly and I devised a plan to get the students out of the room that are incredibly, unabashedly, shamelessly disrespectful and disruptive. Luckily, two of the worst ones will be out of town. SHEW [again].

My main time wasters occupiers this week when I wasn't concerning myself with planning a super awesome lesson that occupies + engages (while making me look awesome) these kids has been one of three things:
  1. Guillermo
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Sleep
Basically? I have had an incredibly long week and have had no energy to do anything awesome [including the sweet HP themed Wednesday Wonders post I had planned]. Sad, I know.

HOWEVER. I am up to Year 4 in the HP series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This is when the series really starts to get good for me, because in grade school + high school, I read the first three books 10-12 times, but once the fourth book came out, I was only reading them about 3-4 times. This means that I remember much less from the second half-ish of the series, making re-reading them far more awesome.

That's all  I have for tonight. Guillermo, Nick, and I love you all. <3 S


  1. Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry Harry <3

  2. Those little rotters! Um, I mean...those poor children who need to be redirected...

    Best of luck to you, girl. Let us all know how your super awesome lesson goes!

  3. Anonymous9:32 AM

    I am only reading the series for the first time in my life and I am just starting book 7, not before I see the 7.1 movie. I'm excited for the movie, more excited to read the book since I STILL don't know how it ends (i keep telling everyone to shhhhushhh around me!) :)

  4. Susanne - YES. <3

    Kelly - I feel the same way.... Thanks!! :)

    Danielle - You are going to LOVE it. I can't wait until you are finished :)


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